To read a file in a loop:
To read the file line by line use:
cat sample.txt | while read line; do echo $line; done
To read the file element (word) by element you can use:
for word in `cat sample.txt`; do echo $word; done
To print the LAST field using awk use $NF
awk '{print $NF}'
This is useful if you don't know how many fields you will have, so you can't use field numbers
# remove duplicate lines / unique lines
uniq filename
#Compute RMSE from two files (GT.txt and Predicted.txt) in one line.
paste <(cat GT.txt) <(cat Predicted.txt) | awk '{accum = accum + (($1-$2)*($1-$2))} {n=n+1} END {print "MRSE=" sqrt(accum/n)}'
Inside the loop we accumulate the sum of the squared difference, also we count the number of elements (n), finally outside the loop we compute the sqrt.
#Use paste command with pipes instead of input files.
The script:
cat test.scrle | 5.5 > test.bin
paste -d " " test.bin test.jpgl | grep pos | awk '{print $2}'Can be written without the auxiliary file test.bin:
paste <(test.scrle | 5.5) <(cat test.jpgl) | grep pos | cut -f2
#Displaying an specific field/column:
Instead of using awk '{print $2}' we can use the cut command:
cut -f2
to display specific fields write them separated by commas: -f2,6,9
to display a range of fields use colon: -f2:6
to display all fields starting by the third one use - at the end: -f3-
# replace all spaces into filename with underscore
find . -depth -name '* *' \
| while IFS= read -r f ; do mv -i "$f" "$(dirname "$f")/$(basename "$f"|tr ' ' _)" ; done
# lines count
BE CAREFUL wc counts the \n ( newlines)
if the file does not have one at the end of the last line the number is WRONG
# increment variable
for f in $(cat visual/features_ml/lists_mlfu300/class.txt); do \
echo "$((count++))";\
# Arithmetic Expansion
echo $(($(cat allAVA.jpgl | wc -l) /3))
# calculator
bc -l
# how to use man
man 3
1 general commands
2 system calls ( specially for C)
3 library functions
4 special files
5 file formats and conventions
6 Games
7 Mis
8 Sys admin and daemons
# remove the first 6 lines
tail -n +6 file
# copy files and their directory tree
rsync -a --include '*/' --include '*.mp3' --exclude '*' source/ target/
This will (1) include any directory or subdirectory, whatever its contents, (2) include all files with an mp3 extension, and (3) exclude all other files. Any number of other file types can be included by adding their one include pattern for each before the --exclude, e.g. --include '*.bmp'.
# date tricks
date +%W # gives the week number
date --date='2 days ago'
Print the day of year of Christmas in the current year:
$ date --date='25 Dec' +%j
# split and rename
split -d -l 30000 allAVA.jpgl allAVA
for s in `seq -f "%03g" $(NSPLIT) `; do \
mv allAVA$${spl}{,.jpgl};done \
split -a $(NDIGITS) -l $$(($$(cat $(PATH_LISTS)/$(CORPUS).jpgl | wc -l) /$(NSPLIT)+1)) -d $(PATH_LIS\
for s in $(PATH_LISTS)/$(CORPUS)0*; do \
mv $${s}{,.jpgl}; \
done; > $@
# braces expansion, create multiple directories at once
mkdir {dir1,dir2,dir3}
mkdir prefix_{dir1,dir2,dir3}
# shows file.txt on stdout and save it at the same time in log.txt
cat file | tee log.txt
# parallel ssh
/opt/STools/python/2.6-x86_64/bin/pssh -h ~/bin/spiders.pssh -o ./cluster.log " df -h | grep local"
is a file containing all the servers addresses
# check if a list of files exists
if [ -e "/directory/file.txt" ]; then \
echo "[FILE]: exists"; \
else \
echo "[FILE]: NOT exists"; \
if [ ! -f /tmp/foo.txt ];then echo "File not found!"fi
# get the second value from std input and convert it into a number
counter =($2)
# alternative way to loop over a file lines
while read line; do \
echo -e "$line"; \
done; < filename.txt
# erase newline, backspace
tr -d '\n'
# all about screen
0. ssh yourserver
1. launch a screened command:
screen -S
get out of here
2. list active screens
screan -ls
3. reattach the session
screen -r
4. get rid of the dead session
screen -wipe
screen -x
# using tabs or colors with echo requires the option -e
# [TO VERIFY] Difference between
1. PQFILE=$(echo $(PATH_FEATURES) | sed -e 's@hst@@')/kmeans.pq
2. PQFILE=`echo $(PATH_FEATURES) | sed -e 's@hst@@'`/kmeans.pq
1. is executed when variable is defined , 2. is executed everytime the variable is used
# pick randomly ( be careful, this option is available only on most recent versions of sort)
sort -R
if statatement in bash:
if [ "$(hostname)" != '' ]; then
alias ipython='/opt/STools/python/2.6-x86_64/bin/ipython -pylab -gthread'
alias ipython='/opt/STools/python/2.4.3/bin/ipython -pylab -gthread'
# if statement with variable increment
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]
echo "Input is zero"
echo" and the sum between 1 and 77 is $((1+77))"
# smbliclient command line$ smbclient //
# All binaries sources and compilation files are in /usr/share !!!/remote/dir -U luca -p –n
( remember the subversion mess!)
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